Rest Assured, Your Gift is Handled with Financial Integrity
Partner 135 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax deductible and received with the understanding that Partner 135 has complete control over their use to fulfill the purpose of our ministry.
Your gifts will always be handled with financial integrity and accountability. Partner 135 is now an accredited member with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. You can contact the office, to make a request to see our financial statements.
Make a One-Time Gift
You can give to Partner135 online using a card or e-check.
If you would like to mail a check, please take note of the following:
Make all checks payable to: Partner 135
General donations will be used where needed most. This allows us to have resources to help as needs arise without needing to raise funds first.
(If you are giving specifically, please attach a note regarding where you would like your gift directed) Examples: Ugandan Church Buildings, Support of (missionary name), Name of a specific project, etc.
Partner 135
PO Box 7508
Van Buren, AR 72956