“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40

Support a Child/School
Partner 135 is actively working to train the next generation in the way that they should go (Proverbs 22:6). We currently partner with 7 different schools/areas all of which are teaching the children in their care about the love God has for each of them. Each area has a different way of doing this, but the goal is entirely the same: to train up young lovers of Jesus.
One of the most rewarding investments anyone can make is in the life of a child – a child whom most of the world would say has no hope. Over the past twenty-plus years, Partner 135 has seen thousands of impoverished boys and girls give their lives to Jesus Christ and become who God created them to be. These children are growing up to be godly mothers and fathers, businesspersons, medical personnel, teachers and pastors, impacting the culture from the inside out with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through people like you, God is providing healthy meals, safe and clean living quarters, a good education, Christian discipleship, and values which will last a lifetime. 
Our previous child sponsorships, pastor sponsorships, projects and our giving catalog are all now streamlined into one location called "Support" where you can designate to support who or where the Lord puts in your heart.
Below you can find specific ways you can give to advance the gospel. Note: Individual child sponsorships now support the whole school in a region as individual children often change.