Matt O.
P135 Staff

Hi friends!
In the early 2,000's I began going on short term trips with this ministry. I later joined the board of directors, eventually serving as Board Chairman, and later becoming the President and CEO of the ministry. Since getting involved, God has sent me to many countries to research and develop missional strategies for unreached and least reached peoples. My current missional focus, in addition to leading Partner 135 well, is to discover new fields among some of the least reached peoples on Earth. I also have a passion to mobilize national believers from their fields to these new fields.
I am asking God to raise up a team of prayer and financial partners who are committed to monthly financial giving to the ministry and frequent prayers. Would you be one?* To fund the portion of the Partner 135 ministry for which I am responsible, I need to raise $5,000 per month or more.
Due to security concerns, I have avoided using my full name and pictures of my face.