This story was originally shared in the Winter 2023 Partnership Press, quarterly newsletter.

120 Bibles were given out to church members and new believers when the US team visited Uganda in September. Afterward, money was given to purchase over 200 more Bibles! These were distributed to all the churches that have been supported by this ministry. Thank you, dear partner, for helping share the written word of God with our brothers and sisters around the world! (The top picture is of many Ugandan pastors who just received a new, clean Bible, below is Pastor Joseph receiving his from one of the team leaders, Hugh R.)

During the time that the US team was in Uganda, 25 goats were purchased and given to pastors and widows in the church. This helps them to earn money to provide for their family. After the team left, money was sent and 25 more goats were bought and distributed. Because of your giving, there are families that are not only spiritually fed but physically fed and provided for.
Bicycles are the main method of transportation (other than walking) for most of our pastors. You helped to repair 8 bicycles and 4 motorcycles for our brothers! This will allow them to more efficiently visit their churches and congregants throughout the week.
Matt O.
President/CEO, Partner 135